Monday, December 28, 2009


There are some things in our life we need so much like water, food and air. But the most important is the water because all things in our life contact from it. Because of that, all humans use it for agriculture, drinking, hygiene, extinguishing fires, providing drinking water and waste water services, industrial applications power generation and food processing so all things in the earth depend on the water and most of the earth is covered by water. . In this report I’m going to write about the problem of Water pollution and the increasing needs of people for clean water.

There are many sources for water such as lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater but if all sources are dirty, the humans will find problems and the need of water will increasing. In our lives, many countries have lack of water because some of them do not have source for water and they have water pollution. Water pollution is a major problem in the world. It causes deaths and diseases and it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily. An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrhoeal sickness every day. Some 90% of China's cities suffer from some degree of water pollution and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking water. In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing countries, industrialized countries continue to struggle with pollution problems as well. In the most recent national report on water quality in the United States, 45 percent of assessed stream miles, 47 percent of assessed lake acres and 32 percent of assessed bay and estuarine square miles were classified as polluted.

This are some water contaminants like industrial waste and sewage. The industrial waste includes all materials resulting from the chemical industry. It’s so big problem in the water world and the other problem it’s about Sewage some of states are discharge the sewage in to water bodies like rivers, seas and lakes. From that behavior the water will be contaminants. Also that behavior it make so many diseases for the people in the world not only the people also for the fish in the water, also lead to reducing the oxygen in water and miss the fish and other aquatic. Dangerous diseases affecting humans by untreated sewage is :

  • Brainerd ~ chronic diarrhea
  • Dysentery ~ bloody diarrhea
  • Cholera ~ dehydrating diarrhea
  • Typhoid fever ~ prolonged abdominal cramps

The most common illness caused by swimming in contaminated water is gastroenteritis. Other types of contamination cause infections to develop on your skin, in an open wound and in your eyes, ears, nose and throat. Children and elderly are most likely to develop these water contamination related illnesses.

Generally, we must be careful about these diseases and we have to save water for a good future for us and for the next generation





Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vocabulary log

1) Weather, noun, The state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards temperature, wind, rain, etc.
a. The weather in the UAE is cloudy.

2) System, noun, a system of canals:
structure, organization, arrangement, complex, network; informal set-up.
a. The best system for our computer is Microsoft Windows Vista.

3) View, verb, The ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place.
a. My brother invited me to view the result of the match.

4) University, noun, a high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
a. My brother studied in the University of the Emirates.

5) Religious, adjective, believing strongly in your religion and obeying its rules carefully.
a. My father is a very religious person.

6) Independent, adjective, an organization is not owned or controlled by, or does not receive money from, another organization or the government.
a. There are a lot of independent lessons in the college

7) Kindergarten, noun, a school for children aged two to five.
a. My kindergarten was in Sharjah.

8) Manner, noun, the way in which something is done or happens.
a. I like the manner in which she works.

9) Furthermore, adverb, in addition to what has already been said.
a. Furthermore, I will pass the exam.

10) Eliminate, verb, to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted.
a. I eliminated a thief from our house.

11) Responsibility, noun, a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens.
a. Safety is everyone's responsibility.

12) Capable, adjective, having the qualities or ability needed to do something.
a. I’m capable of work and study.

13) Convenient, adjective, useful to you because it saves you time, or does not spoil your plans or cause you problems.
a. My laptop is convenient.

14) Luxury, noun, very great comfort and pleasure, such as you get from expensive food, beautiful houses, cars etc.
a. I want a luxury car

15) Government, noun, the group of people who govern a country or state.
a. The system of Abu Dhabi Government is very successful.

16) Beneficial, adjective, having a good effect.
a. Doing exercise are beneficial to your health.

17) Respect, noun, when you admire someone, especially because of their personal qualities, knowledge, or skills.
a. I respect all people.

18) Appearance, noun, the way someone or something looks to other people.
a. His appearance was beautiful.

19) Audience, noun, a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in public.
a. The audiences were huge.

20) Colleagues, noun, someone you work with, used especially by professional people.
a. I like all my colleagues.

21) Otherwise, adverb, used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done.
a. Go early otherwise you will be marked absent.

22) Knowledge, noun, the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience.
a. The knowledge is very important for all people.

23) Disappointment, noun, a feeling of unhappiness because something is not as good as you expected, or has not happened in the way you hoped.
a. Failing in the exam causes disappointment for us .

24) Foreigner, noun, someone who comes from a different country.
a. There are few foreigners in the Oman.

25) Century, noun, one of the 100-year periods measured from before or after the year of Christ's birth.
a. The world will develop in the 22nd century.

26) Disease (noun): an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant.
a. There are many diseases like H1N1.

27) Attract, verb, draw or bring in by offering something of interest or advantage.
a. To attract lady, you have to be respectable.

28) Available, adjective, accessible, usable, handy, buyable.
a. There are many laptops available in the U.A.E.

29) Beautiful, adjective, lovely, pretty, gorgeous, attractive, fine.
a. She is a beautiful girl.

30) Because, conjunction, for the reason that; due to the fact that.
a. He went to Sharjah because his grandfather was sick.

31) Before, preposition, previous to; earlier or sooner than, ahead of; in the future of; awaiting.
a. I will go to Dubai before dinner.

32) Believe, verb, to think that something is true;to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.
a. I didn't believe her story.

33) Define, verb, state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of. ▶give the meaning of (a word or phrase).
a. My computer can define and solve all errors.

34) Identify, establish the identity of, recognize or select by analysis.
a. When I started in a new class, my teacher asked me for my
identity card.

35) Create, verb, bring into existence, invest (someone) with a title of nobility.
a. I will create my business when I finish college.

36) Economy, noun, the state of a country or area in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money.
a. Our country has a strong economy.

37) Benefit, noun, an advantage or profit gained from something.
a. I collect benefit from donors.

38) Vary, verb, differ, be different, not the same.
a. I want to vary my life.

39) Theory, noun, idea, plan, not practical
a. I have a good theory for my project.

40) Available, noun, can be found
a. Du sim cards are available in supermarket.

41) Context, noun, setting, location, surrounding
a. In this context, you are correct.

42) Issue, noun, topic, workers, employment
a. This is the important issue.

43) Method, noun, Way of dealing with something.
a. This is the correct method.

44) Data, noun, facts, information, records.
a. I found my important data in the computer.

45) Establish, verb, start, decide, build, open.
a. He established a new company.

46) Environment, noun, the atmosphere or surrounding.
a. People polluted the environment.

47) Percent, noun, one part out of hundred.
a. I hope to get 99.5 percent in this homework.

48) Opportunity, noun, a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something.
a. I got a good opportunity.

49) Aspect, noun, one part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts.
a. This aspect is very important for our life.

50) Energetic, adjective, having or needing a lot of energy or determination.
a. Energetic pills are not allowed for all sportsmen.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Technology between now and in the past

50 years ago, all people found problems with the learning because they didn’t have any technology but they tried to use some simple things to complete their courses. For example, in the past, people didn’t have a computer but now they have a computer so there are many problems solved with it and the studying became very easy.

The technology made everything better than in the past. Because of that, we use the technology everywhere like schools, colleges and in the university. For example, if anyone wants to join a college, they should pay money for a new laptop because it will help them in college and it will make studying better and easier. Also our mind will be better because we will learn new ways of thinking. In addition, in the past we can’t talk to people in other countries but now we can talk to people from anywhere by the internet. Also, with it, we can look for books in the internet and we can read them online so we don’t need to go to the library .
In the computer there is much software that we can use to make our life very easy such as Microsoft office. The Microsoft office contains about ten softwares. Now I’m going to write about them. For example; word, power point, excel and access. The first one is Microsoft word that the people use because they can type what they want and they can see what they write before they print it out. Also when you finish typing, you can keep all your documents in your computer. The second program is Power Point and we can’t do our projects without it. With it, we can make our project more interesting and we can understand any lesson in an easy way. Also excel is part of Microsoft office. It can organize the details like making surveys, lists for students’ names and workers’ salaries. Because of that, most people feel the Microsoft Office is very important for their work.

Nowadays, people can’t work without a computer because it is a major machine in all places like companies and colleges For example, in the company they use a computer for making advertisements like flash cards, publications and designing cartoon movies. In addition, some businessmen use the computer to connect to each other. Also they can make deals from here to other countries. Also, many people make money from the internet like on the the stock market. For example, they buy and sell stocks and by that way they will make a lot of money. . On the other hand, if anyone wants to be employed in any company, they should get on ICDL certificate because it is very important for all workplaces. This certificate is about learning how to use Microsoft office well. For that, all people use Microsoft office. For example in the companies they use Microsoft office to put the information in the computers for printing out or for keeping it.




Monday, October 26, 2009

Bugatti & Porsche 911 Turbo

(( Bugatti )).............................(( Porche 911 turbo ))

Price: 1.6 million $.................. Price: 137,360-140,780 $

Top speed:253 mph .................Top Speed: 192 mph

0-60 MPH:2.5 sec....................0-60 MPH: 3.6w

Horse Power: 1001 hp..............Horse Power: 480 hp

Torque: 922 lb-ft......................Torque: 457 lb-ft

Weight: 5000 lb ..................... Weight: 3650-3750 lb


Nowadays, there are many fast cars in this world. I’m sure it is the Bugatti Veyron that is the fastest car in the world. Now, I’m going to compare between the Bugatti and the Porsche 911 turbo and I will show the similarities and differences of each car.

All sport cars have similarities and differences, but now I’m going to show a few similarities between the Porsche and the Bugatti. The first thing is the number of passengers. These two cars are only for two passengers and that means both cars are coupes. The second similarity is the type of the two cars. Both cars are sport type and they are very expensive. Also they are very fast and very safe. The third similarity is where they are made. Both cars are made in Germany.( )

But there are more differences then similarities and I would like to write about some of the differences between each car. The first difference is the number of horse power. The Bugatti has 1001 hp but the Porsche only has 480 hp.(
) The second difference is the size of the engine of each car. The engine of the Bugatti is 8.0L with 16v that can give speed of more than 410km/h but the engine of the Porsche 911 turbo is 3.6L with 6v and can speed 310km/h. The last difference is the price of each car. The Bugatti costs more than $1,400,000 while the Porsche 911 turbo costs $140,700. ( )

As you see from what I have written, the Bugatti is better than the Porsche because it has more features . I hope to buy one as soon as I can because I want to drive my car at high speed in Yas Marina Circuit which is in Abu Dhabi

The reference:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bahrain park splashes out

The Bahrain water park is the one that is built on top of the biggest mall in the country(Bahrain). The water park covers over 15000 sq m and it has a lot of interesting areas; it has a restaurant, large party room, wave pro, and an outlet selling swimming apparel. The water park can be accessed directly from the mall. The water park has two areas; one is the outdoor and the other is indoor; the outdoor is more fun; it has more than 10 different rides and slides with varied levels of intensity. It can be accessed by adults and children. The water park uses a lot of water: about 24,000 liters per day. The water park will be exciting and good for the country to make money, but at the same time it’s harmful for the environment because it uses a lot of water which causes a lot of problems.

Works Cited
"Gulf construction." Bahrain park splashes out Aug. 2009: 40-42. Print.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

MLA referencing podcast summary

1-What is plagiarism?
Using someone else’s words or ideas and representing them as your own.

2-What must you do avoid plagiarizing?
Take careful and accurate notes as you research.

3-What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?
MLA Modern Language Association
APA American psychological Association

4-What are the five types of information that are often included when referencing from various sources?
Author’s name – Title of book - Date – pages - Publisher - magazine- web adder .

5-When creating a reference for a book what comes first?
Author name

6-What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?
Article title

7-What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?
Page numbers

8-What is the third item of information when referencing a website?
The title of website.

9-What is last item of information when referencing a website?
Date visited.

11-What comes before the URL in a database reference?

12-Where is the bibliography?
At the end

13-What is in the bibliography?

14-When giving the author’s name which part of the name do you put first?
Surnames/Family name - Butterfild, Hedley

15-How do you order items in the bibliography?

16-Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?

17-What information goes in an inline citation?
Name – Date

18-Name one citation machine that can help you?

19-Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?

20-In Google type, ‘’HCT plagiarism.’’ Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. State what this consequence is.
If you cheat you will be kicked from the college.

>>>Topic: Computers<<<

1- UXL Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Rob Nagel. 2nd ed. Detroit: U*X*L, 2007.

2- Encyclopedia of World Biography. Ed. Suzanne M. Bourgoin. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998.

3- World of Scientific Discovery. Ed. Kimberly A. McGrath. Online ed. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2006.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Natural paradise gets protection

The summary>>>
The Hajar Mountains are home to the Wadi Wurayah protected area which has more than 100 of birds and other animals. The most important thing is to save this area because the country wants to attract tourists. The ruler of Fujairah a decree issued that the area is off limits for development. This wadi is recommended as a must see in UAE off road and tourist guides. The wadi is also home to garra barreimiae which lives only in the Hajar Mountains. There are more than 300 species of plants including a species of wild orchid unique to the UAE. There are many rangers to catch poachers targeting the rare animals. Dibba Rock was protected and it attracts hundreds of divers so if we protect this big area, we can protect any area in the Emirates.

Main Idea>>>
1-The beauty of the natural paradise.
2-The importance of saving natural areas.
3-There are many kinds of plants in the Hajar Mountains.

This is good topic because there is a lot of information about The Hajar Mountains. Finally, we have to save these animals and plants because the country wants to attract tourists.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Dyslexia

Dyslexic is a big problem that some children can’t processing visual information like reading and writing. The new research suggests that dyslexics have difficulty with control of eye movement or eye wobble. The scientists and researchers are working together to solve this problem and the new technology will help children. A disturbing sensation of glare making them rub their eyes frequently and some children feel headache when they reading. The magnocells related to eye movement but in dyslexics do not develop as well as those in good readers. The professor who trained at Oxford and Thomas’s Hospital will prepare for trying hi-tech specs in primary schools in London and Hampshire. Dr fouler used the first prototype. Professor Stein said that the eye wobble is not obvious to the naked eye. If we can get children early, their brains are flexible enough to enable them to improve control by doing daily exercises to keep their eyes still and fixed on one object to become etched into the brain.